SMS automatizados
Writing of 3 automated SMS, adapting the guidelines to the context and format: the first one from a fintech company, the second one as a reminder of an official appointment and the last one from a telephone company.

The main difficulty in writing SMS is the limitation of characters:
11 characters for the sender's introduction
160 characters for the message
SMS are a great tool for communicating with people because they are very cheap, immediate, and do not need any installation - they are included by default with the phone.
They should therefore be thoughtfully written:
It is essential to keep it simple, clear, and useful.
Technical jargon or slang that makes it difficult to understand the message should be avoided.
Spelling and grammar must be respected - beware of the use of all capital letters indiscriminately.
Links can be included if it is necessary to expand information or invite the user to complete some action.
If there is access to an up-to-date database, the message can be personalized, which strengthens its connection with the user.
Good practices
SMS Fintech
A week ago the user applied for a new Shifta Bank credit card. It is necessary to inform them by SMS that they will be receiving it by regular mail at their home address.
"Shifta Bank".
It is important not to complicate the sender's introduction, as the priority is to make it easily recognizable and not to exceed the 11-character limit.
"Hello Ana, your new credit card has been sent to your home address by regular mail. Once you receive it, you can activate it on the Shifta Bank website".
I have started by personalising the message, to make it more human, and also because it helps to confirm that it has reached the right person.
I then explain the action we have taken at the company, how she will receive the card, and finish by telling her what steps she will need to take once she has it.
Optionally I could also add a link to the Shifta Bank website, but the characters are limited and as a user of the bank she will most likely already be familiar with it.

SMS appointment reminder
The user has made an appointment to renew their identity card, the appointment information is sent to them by SMS.
“ID Office".
Again, the priority is for the sender to be easily recognisable and not to exceed the 11-character limit, so the title is very simple.
"We remind you of your appointment to renew your ID card on 23/09/2025 at 12:45h in the office at 44 Almansa Street. Check what you need to bring at"
Since it will be the first thing they read, the first sentence almost acts as a "subject", indicating that it is a reminder of their appointment.
The next is the specific details of the appointment: the date, time and office address.
With the last sentence I provide them with a link to further information about the documentation they need to bring with them.

SMS phone company
The user has just landed in France and must receive an SMS text indicating the helpline numbers in the event of an emergency in the country.
"Shifta Mobile"
As in the previous cases, I have prioritized sender recognition, while paying attention to the character limitation.
"We welcome you to France. In case of emergency call: 112 (general), 15 ( medical), +33 144294000 (consulate), or visit"
The first sentence is a welcome to the country, to generate confidence and reassurance in the user.
I then tell her that the message relates to emergency numbers and list them, indicating what kind of situation they deal with. Not all of them will fit, so I have prioritized the ones she is most likely to need: general emergency, medical emergency, or the contact of the consulate of her country.
At the end, I provide the link to the page where you can find all the telephone numbers and contact addresses according to the type of emergency.